OUR Partners!

Walk Off Charities relies heavily upon donations and events to provide funding to accomplish our mission. We are thankful for the relationships we have built with the local business community, local nonprofits and charitable organizations, and local partnerships that have helped us to establish our programs. We can truly say, we would not be here today without the support of these partners that have allowed us to do what we do, bring baseball to every child that desires to learn or play.
LEGACY Partners!
These partners have committed to help grow our mission through significant annual gifts, providing much needed resources for us to run free clinics, leagues, and teams that help provide the pathway for youth through the game of baseball.

The Chartrand
The Jim Jacobs

J. Wayne &
Delores Barr Weaver
The DuBow Family
PROGRAM Partners!
These partners have played a significant role in helping create the space for our programs to exist and have volunteered their players and coaches for us to be able to conduct events. From parks and fields to players, teams and coaches, we would not be able to do what we do without them.
